Tuesday, December 2, 2008

one missed call


1. / Rumpole / and the Confection of Guilt
2. Dina Krall / Let it Snow / Christmas Songs
3. The One Night Band / Mama was Right / Hit & Run
4. Reiner & Brookes / Fabiola / 2000 year with . . .
5. Tracy Chapman / A Theory/ Our Bright Future
6. The Liptonians / Charlie’s Back! / The Liptonians
7. Dr. Hook / Queen of the Silver Dollar / Greatest Hits
8. Billy Van / The First Hockey Game / Canada Observed
9. Serena Rider / Brand New Love / is it O.K?
10. The Campbell Apartment / dna / Insomniacs Almanac
11. Lenka / The Show / Lenka
12. The Responsibles / Dieter’s Monkey / the Fat Labs Sessions
13. Beast / Devil / Beast
14. Ray Gun Cowboys / Joey Ramone Street / Ray Gun Cowboys
15. Jennifer Gasoi / The Pizza Man / Songs for you
16. Snail Romp / A Pizza Already / Ska Bandits
17. BA Johnston / I Love you Pizza man / My Heart is a Blinking Nintendo
18. Lorn Elliott / Boots of the North / Selections from all Directions
19 Manna and The Snowths/ Manna Manna / The Muppet Show
20 The Soul Jazz Orchestra / Interested Benevolence/ Manifesto

Man what a show.

I was supposed to talk with Pat Finelli from Pizza Pizza, but we got our wires crossed somewhere along the lines and it was not to be. Still I got the pizza and Chicken that he sent for the taste testing.
We got in touch with each other later and made arrangements to have the interview later. So stay tuned.

This Friday we are starting our CKLU promotion drive at the Rainbow City center. We’ll have a booth set up and will be having giveaway’s, music, and as much tomfoolery as we can legally get away with.

I’m a bit anxious about this as I had a big roll in it. I went around to businesses to see about donations. I got some good stuff too. Deb thought I should get on the phone and contact the businesses that way. And she’s right. When we did sit down and do that we got a lot done, but I prefer to look the person in the eye and I’m there, if they want to give some thing I’m there and I could take it then. I guess I’m just old school that way.

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