Sunday, November 23, 2008

Where did all this snow come from?


/Mort part 4/
Dolores Diangelis / While you were Sleeping / Mona Lisa’s Secret
Gayla L Peevey / I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas / Comedy Christmas
Queen / I want it all / Greatest hits
The Pipkins / Gimme Dat Ding / 100 Novelty 45’s
The Unsettlers / The Cops are Here / The Unsettlers
Mavis Staples / Eyes on the Prize / Hope at the Hide out
The Bicycles/ Oh no it’s Love / Oh No it’s Love
/Mudcock /
The Liptonians / Miss Unaffected /The Liptonians
Green Go / Cash Money Gremlins / Green Go
The Creepshow / Run for your Life / Run For your Life
21 Tandem Repeats / Hey Rock’s Living Room / No Junk Mail Please
Monty Python / Do What John / Contractual Obligation Album
Tracy Chapmen / Sing For You / Our Bright Future
Seven Story / The Hippies Lament / Red head
Civet / Bad Luck / Hell Hath No Fury
Lorne Elliott / Winter & Canada / The Collected Mistakes
Sarah Marshall/ First Snow Fall /All the Dreamers
Captain Tractor / Snowman / Hoserista
Blackie and the Rodeo Kings / Drifting Snow / High or Hurtin
David Hasselfield / Snow Soup / Freeze
Johnny Hollow / Bag of Snow / Johnny Hollow
Heilling Maneuver /and then it had to snow / in motion

Now I have mentioned previously on this show but I have to say that that I love the work of Terry Prachett. His is the Book the Mort series is from. I was sad to hear that he was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. In his Bio he says that his one fears is that someone will find out how much fun he is having writing and make him stop. I think some one found out.

Well winter is here. And it looks like it will be a good one. Now I expect at this time of the year that there will be snow, but for the past few years it’s been a light snow that melts away and we get hit hard around the New Year. I don’t think so this year. It came in thick and fast and caught a lot of people off guard. Including me. I forgot that on the last big storm last year I broke the snow float. I said Oh I’ll have plenty of time to get a new one before the next storm. Ooops. Oh well I’ll have plenty of time to get a new one before the next snow storm.
I couldn’t belive it when I heard that on the first day of the snow there was 28 traffic accidents. 28. How does that happen? Really were Subariens. Driving in snowy conditions is in our blood. True I have skidded out in winter conditions; three times, but I was able to control it and there was no accident. That is some thing I take pride in. but 28 accidents. What happened to people’s driving skills? A friend at work thinks it’s because of an inflow of new residents from Toronto. I can believe that. I’ve been in T.O in the winter. They do not change there driving skills, and that is the big thing to remember. Driving in winter is a lot different then in summer.

I sent a Special song out to my Friend Nancy.

It was I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. There was a bit of in-joke behind me sending this out to here. (Which I am not going to tell you. I mean that’s what an in-joke is all about isn’t it?) Any way she wasn’t listening in and missed it. I guess I was a little paranoid that that would be the situation so I down loaded it to my MP3 and brought it into work. Well it was a rough shift and she looked like she needed a cheering up so I grabbed my player and gave her the ears. She listened and then she laughed. And then she laughed some more. I think she needed that.

Well that’s that for now.

Don’t forget there is still time to vote for the And Now Show for our lighteners choice awards

Until next time have fun and take care of each other.

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