Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here comes Santa Clause

Tract list

Mort Part 3
Steve Martin / What is Christmas / SNL
Vince Guaraldi Trio /Christmas Time is Here / A Charlie Brown Christmas

Not a big Tract list today, because Saturday was the Santa Clause parade.
For close to ten years I have been helping my Mother with the clowns at the Santa Parade and it’s been a blast.

This year was my Mom’s last year, my Dad thinks that last year should have been her last year, but she stuck it in for one more year but now it’s someone elses problem now. I wonder what the committee is going to do.

Mom said they told here that the had talked with a woman who said that she would like to take over and that she would help get things together (which makes sense to learn what needs to be done from the people who know before you take over) but she never showed up. Next year should be an interesting show. I bet they call on Mom to do it again.

I just hope they get someone who knows what there doing with the banners. We lost half our volunteers to the banners because they didn’t get any one.

And don’t get me started on how the committee treated my Dad. Poppa had been there Santa of over ten years, you would think that they would show him a little more respect then hand out his position out from under him ( to someone mind you that didn’t even have his own beard)

Still every one I’ve talked to who watched the parade said that it was fun and the volunteers said they are looking forward to next year and I guess that’s all that madders. That the people of Sudbury had a good time.

Mission complete.

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