Thursday, November 6, 2008

Time Waster



Tom Paxton*****************Getting up early*******Follow that Road

Divine Brown****************Jump Start***********Love Chronicles

Monty Python*************** Philosophers Song**** Sings

The Weirdies ****************New Jeans********** in 3D

Sarah Noni Moetzner **********See My Breath*******Mansion of Happiness

Civet ***********************Hell Hath No Fury ***Hell Hath NO Fury

Nervous Norvus **************Transfusion *********Dr Dementos 20th Aniversary

Band Sinister***************** Dr Lee *************Stories of Brothers, Tails of Lovers

Rory Block ******************Jinx Blues*********** Blues Walking Like a Man

Lorne Elliott ******************Splitting Wood********Selections from all Directions II

The Creepshow ***************Run for your Life ******Run For your Life

Key Witness *****************Last man on Earth****** Royally Sparked

Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs ***Li’l Red Riding Hood*** Monster Mash Bash

Jose Phine Biundo************* Evil Gal Blues********* Let there Be love

Michael Jerome Browne******** This Beautiful Mess *******This Beautiful Mess

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones*** Desensitized*********** Let’s Face it

Dream Warriors************** Times are Changing ******The Master Plan

The Buccaneers***************The Time we Forgot****** Basement Monkeys

Moxy Fruvous*************** Boo Time ***************You will go to the moon

Royal Canadian Air Farce****** Nufie Time************** RCAF

Bob Snider****************** Time *******************Word and Pictures

Lazy*********************** Time******************* F.L.O.Y.D

Sonny Boy Williams*********** 23 hours too Long******** UK Blues

Cateriona McKay************* Starfish***************** Starfish

Sorry about the late posting, but I needed to wait until I got some film developed so I could scan them in. You see I don’t use a digital camera, I use to, but it died on me so I went back to my old manual and to tell the truth I find it more dependable then digital. Mind you I miss the convenience of being able to but pictures strait into my computer, the quality of the pictures are better with my Pentax.

But I digress

I hope every body had a grand Halloween. Was the Great Pumpkin good to you all?

How about the 'Grand' Pumpkin?

I had some fun I went to Little MontrĂ©al’s here in Sudbury and saw the Trixx. There good. I’m hopping to get to play some of there tunes soon. One thing that got me was the lack of costumes I saw.

I really didn’t see anything until late around eleven I think, at the bar. But I didn’t see any kids and I’ve been hearing the same from people at work. Their are fewer and fewer trick or treaters going out there. I guess parents are just too scared to send there kids out at night. Which is a shame.

I sent out a special song for my friend Chinelo for obvious reasons. She was the only server to dress up at work on Friday.

We had a Pumpkin carving contest and only a few people wanted to participate. I love carving Jack O'Lanterns. This year I did something different. Insted of a pumkin I used a hubbard squash. I was at the farmers market and at on of the stans they has these MASSIVE squashes and I thought to myself that one of those would look really cool as a Jack O'Lantern. What so you think?

Saturday night was also time to set you’re your clock’s back and hour.

We caught a few people at work with that. I chastised them on the fact that if they had just tuned in they wouldn’t be in this mess. Still better to be early then late.

I wonder how many across Sudbury came into work early because they didn’t pay attention to the time shift.?

Don’t forget to tune in this Saturday when We will have another edition of K.I.S.(s) in the Kitchen.

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