Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hey there Sweetie


1. Sherlock Homes vs. Dracula
2. Omar and the Howlers Mystery Walk Big Delta
3. Joe Hall Vampire Beavers Best of
4. The Weirdies Frankenstein’s Daughter in 3D
5. Walter Jr Sugar House Road The River Club
6. Big Dave Mclean Sugar Sweet Blues from the Middle
7. Go Van Go Sweet nothings Bliss Station
8. Smashing Pumpkins Sweet Sweet Siamese Dream
9. The Creapshow Rock & Roll Sweetheart Run For your Life
10. Air Farce Pay Tel City Comedy Album
11. O’Luge Istanbul Movements
12. Krystil Dos Santos Talk show Host Krystil Dos Santos
13. Trevor Jones Perfect Gentleman The Perfect Gentleman
14. Reiner and Brooks The Peruvian, 2000 years with
15. June Garther Black Coffee Here’s to you
16. Wilkins Just a Memory No Expiry Date
17. Rude Boy Happy Shut up and Dance
18 You wont succeed on Broadway Spamalot
19.Cumbawumba Compliments of your server The Boy Bands are Winning
20. The Buna Vista Social Club Alandra At Carnegie Hall

It was a busy day today. We had a staff meeting at work today so to both attend the meeting and entertain you all I rented a car, props to the guys at Rent a Wreck for the great deal they gave me though. I am really glad that they opened up a shop in town. I can/t afford a vehicle but on times when I really need one it’s nice that we have a place where I can get a good car at the cheep.

Started off the show with part two of Sherlock Homes vs. Dracula. This was a great find. Not just the story but the music and the sound FX made this a very eerie and compelling listen. I did a bit of research and found that; aside from the graphic novel I talk aboaut last week, there was only a few books with Homes and Drack. The best known was written in 1978 by Loren D Eateman called Sherlock Homes vs. Dracula or the Case of the Sanguinary Count. There was a rumor that Hammer films were going to make it into a movie, but nothing came of it which I think is a shame. That would have been so cool.

I hope you all had a great Sweetness Day. What? You never heard of Sweetness Day? Well neither had I until recently. It’s a holiday in the northern US for people to get together and give sweets to the underprivileged. in there community. This is a great idea. It’s a way of saying that every one is important, no matter what their station in the community is.

Tune in next Saturday for my Halloween Show. It’s going to be really Spooky.

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